You Know You Are a Southern Florida Archaeologist When…
- Your commute entails taking an air-boat to an Everglades tree island
- A “mound” is any elevation over 30cm
- You worry whether your snake boots can handle Everglades pythons
- People think you are searching for buried Spanish doubloons
- You have shared an “emergency” beer with Gary Beiter
- The land owner forgets to tell you it is hunting season, so you improvise high-visibility gear from colored tape
- Your test pit fills with water at 30cm
- STP always stands for sand-tempered plain, not some 1990s alternative band
- You come back from lunch to find your site paved over and a condo going up
- The Florida Anthropologist is your recreational reading
- You have worked for the venerable Bob Carr
- And, your archaeological site looks like a tropical paradise